Law of simila "Simila Similibus Curenter" was known to medical science since the time of Ayurveda. Hippocrates and other stalwarts from west were aware about Law of Similars. It is to the credit of Dr. Hahnemann to apply law of similar therapeutically first in the medical science. In 1790 Dr. Samuel Hahnemann discovered Homoeopathy while translating Cullen's Materia Medica.
First, he did experiment of drugs on himself with Cinchona Bark & confirmed Law of Simila, later by doing hundreds of experiments on himself & his disciples. Medicines are prepared by various sources like herbs, roots, leaves, flowers, animal parts, poisons,tissues, chemicals, minerals etc. Doses are non-toxic & minute. So side effects are least possible. Medicines boost natural healing mechanism and strengthens vitality and resistance of individual, resulting in prevention of recurrence of attacks in chronic ailments. Many homoeopathic medicines are popularly use in pre and post-operative care of patient by many surgeons with good results. Detailed interview is specialty of Homoeopathy which enables physician to understand personality of patient to treat.
This individualistic approach is a unique feature of Homoeopathy. It is the most sophisticated and gentle mode of therapeutics when applied wisely in patients at a proper time.
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Late Shree Fakirbhai Pansare Education Foundation's
Lokmanya Homoeopathic Medical College
Near Elpro Company,
Behind Prof. R. More Auditorium ,
Chinchwad, Pune-411033
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